मराठी : Secret to Getting Government Job in India

Ok here is the secret to getting a government job:

  • Apply to all relevant jobs: Apply to all suitable jobs, even if you need to to far away places, just go and appear in exam and interview. You must not skip any government notifications or exams.
  • Be persistent in search: Remember keep looking for it non-stop. It can click any time. Agreed most vacancies are there for freshers but vacancies of all sorts keep coming. One best way is to create as many focused selection searches at our free job subscription service.
  • Don't reject a job without trying it first: It means just don't decide to reject a job just because it's exam is tough. Always try all jobs but decide only after you get selected! This is the most common mistake people do.
  • Join training classes and prepare with sample papers : This is important. You should see all old exam papers and interview style. After all only training can make you perfect.
  • Always speak truth: Remember in interview, all want honest, sincere and dedicated people. Don't try to lie. Tell the truth in most cases. But don't talk about you preparing for IAS, or even leaving the job after you get it.
  • Don't look for location: Almost all government jobs are transferable. After 1-3 years you'll be able to get transfer to your desired location. This is true in most of jobs. Provided that the company unit should be there in the desired location.
  • Speak simple and to the point: All bosses want simple people with average IQ.
  • Be obedient: Frankly all government bosses want obedient people in their department since this is how the system in India. It is mostly a corrupt one. Obedient fits well into it. So if somebody in the interview forces you to say 1+1 = 3, you can yes.
